2015 Physician Compensation Trends

Report Overview
Get inside information on physician pay in your specialty and region. Are you negotiating a new contract? Or do you want to know what your peers are being paid? This free report analyzes the four leading physician salary surveys to provide a comprehensive look at physician pay in 2015.
The MCG Physician Compensation Report is a detailed, easy-to-read snapshot of physician compensation in 2015. The report includes:
- Charts on such topics as pay by specialty, location and employment model.
- Analysis of compensation trends by specialty.
- Examination of how bonuses are awarded and the impact that bonuses have on physician compensation.
Download the MCG Physician Compensation Report for free.
Why do you need this report? Regional and specialty pay data are indispensable when negotiating your next contract. This report provides
- Low, average and high physician salaries by specialty
- Six-year trends in physician compensation by specialty
- Physician salaries across nine regions in the U.S.
- Metrics used to determine bonus pay
Download the MCG Physician Compensation Report for free.
Make sure you are informed when negotiating your next contract.