Q: I really want to act like myself during the interview. How relaxed can I get?
“No matter what, watch your language during the site visit. There is no swearing, and smoking is a no-no. Employers are paying attention.
“I once had a candidate who carried a Diet Coke and kept getting a new one throughout the weekend. The employer wondered if he had diabetes. It showed a lack of professional judgment. As a result, he wasn’t selected for the position. There’s an automatic assumption that the way you appear, interview and communicate during the site visit is the way you’ll be in practice. Will you go in and see a patient with a Diet Coke and smoking a cigarette?
“You’ll be there for two or thee days, so prepare to be taken out for meals. Employers will look at what you select to eat. Are you eating healthy? That might be viewed as determining if you will try to impact the health of your patients.
“We also recommend you really watch alcohol consumption. One beer or glass of wine at dinner is the limit.”
Response from Regina Levison, vice president, client development, Jordan Search Consultants, St. Louis.
Q: I really want to stand out and be remembered during my interview. What’s the one thing I can do?
“Find commonality with a physician on staff. For example, say a physician trained where you did. Point that out. Say something like, “Dr. Smith from Michigan is on your staff and I’m a Michigan grad too.” The same goes for your interest in the community and area. Say, ‘We love to do x and that’s big here.’ Or ‘My son plays that sport.’
“Look for connections, whether based on background or community interest. That will create warm feelings about you. This helps create a personal connection.”
Response from Steve Look, executive vice president of recruiting, The Medicus Firm, Dallas.
Q: What topics should I definitely steer clear of?
“Shy away from any inflammatory statements or discussions of religion or politics. You don’t want to create emotional responses from people you don’t know.
Response from Steve Look, executive vice president of recruiting, The Medicus Firm, Dallas.