Other News

attractive medical doctor relaxing in office

Avoiding burnout: 5 tips to putting yourself first

September 18, 2015 at 16:31 0 comments

To avoid burnout and manage your stress, it is vital to make time for yourself. If you are struggling to take at least 15 minutes out of your day for yourself, it might be time to for some self-introspection. Follow these tips from Deb Wood, PhD, senior consultant and certified employeeRead More

Young Woman Reading Book in Coffee Shop

Stress management: make time for yourself

September 17, 2015 at 22:10 0 comments

A multiyear commitment to a gym? Forget about it. A James Bond movie marathon? No way. To make stress management succeed, you have to make it a priority. But doctors are notorious for putting their needs last because the whole point of being in medicine is to help others, saysRead More

checklist on touch pad

Warning signs that you’re burning out

September 16, 2015 at 09:25 0 comments

If you devote more than one-third of your seven-day week to work—approximately 50-55 hours—you are at risk for losing your work-life balance, setting the stage for a slide into professional burnout, says Peter Moskowitz, MD, executive director, Center for Professional and Personal Renewal, Palo Alto, Calif. To see if you’reRead More

What me? Burned out?

What me? Burned out?

September 14, 2015 at 20:53 0 comments

So I have heartburn every day, tons of unused vacation time and I’m tired all the time. That can’t mean I’m burned out, right? Not true, says David Frenz, MD, medical director for mental health and addiction care at St. Joseph’s Hospital in St. Paul, Minn. “Physicians generally have poorRead More

Above view of consultant shaking hands with her client

The interview is over. What’s next?

June 6, 2015 at 10:00 0 comments

The interview is over and you have a good feeling. If all goes well, you may very well walk out with wonderful feedback and a promise that the interviewer is planning to send a letter of intent to hire that you can expect in a couple of weeks, says ReginaRead More

Composite image of businessman holding his jacket

Interviews: the right way to talk about salary

June 5, 2015 at 16:00 0 comments

Most likely you won’t know the salary and bonus details before you go into a job interview. While that information is obviously important to you, there’s a right and wrong way to approach the topic. Here are the pitfalls, according to Steve Look, executive vice president of recruiting, The MedicusRead More

Yawning interviewer

Interviews: What your body language says about you

June 3, 2015 at 08:47 0 comments

Tapping your foot and feeling around for your vibrating phone is usually not a problem. That is, unless you’re in a job interview. While you may be nervous, these nonverbal cues tell employers you’re not prepared. Instead, work on strategies to show you’re engaged during your job search and interview. SteveRead More

Businessman throwing away report into trash

Interviews: The biggest mistake one can make

June 1, 2015 at 14:31 1 comment

Q: What’s the biggest mistake job candidates can make during an interview? A: When we hear about interviews going horribly wrong, one of the most common recurring themes is people trying to negotiate before they have an offer. The candidates are demanding: I need this and that. Do this andRead More

Health Care Challenge

Keeping it confidential: when to let the word out

May 26, 2015 at 18:04 0 comments

You’re an experienced doctor conducting a confidential job search. Should you use your supervisor as a reference? Don’t feel pressured to do so, says Regina Levison, vice president, client development, Jordan Search Consultants, St. Louis. While that supervisor or chief of staff may be the best one to sing yourRead More

Family biking

Getting personal: Three items you want to reveal in your CV

May 21, 2015 at 13:40 0 comments

Prospective employers want to know more than where you went to school and did your residency. But how much and what type of personal information should you give prospective employers? Include a cover letter for more emphasis on your wants and needs. You probably know not to list your dateRead More